Monday, March 26, 2012


A few years ago a friend gave me a 365 calender that just has dates and sayings on it so you can use it year after year. Today's was "The friend given you by circumstances over which you have no control was God's own gift" by Frederick Robertson. It is true because often you will have someone appear in your life for no reason that makes sense but they become your friend. It could be because you need them at the time or it could be because they need you. These friendships can last forever or be very brief. They can brighten your day, hold you close, help you through thick and thin, make you laugh, and the list continues. Though sometimes you do have to wonder what is a true friend?

That question though was something I came up with today after combining it with the saying from yesterday "Girlfriends are for leaning on, laughing with, and confiding in." As well as something that was mentioned today by someone. Yes you want to confide in a person that you believe is a friend but can you? Can you honestly trust someone that you believe is a friend with just about everything you need to say? Or is the only person you can do that to God? Do you have to keep things hidden from everyone out there? Is is not a place that you want to be in, you do not want to find out that someone you trusted would betray you but unfortunately it does happen. What you have told them in confidence can then be taken by them and told to others or even distorted to become an untruths. You would never want to be in that situation nor do you want to do it to someone yourself. It does happen and unfortunately people are hurt in the process, sometimes it is intentional and other times it is not. I have to have some confidence and trust that I can tell some friends something which will never be repeated. I have to be that way myself in which I keep what each one has told me in confidence as well if that is what is necessary. But when do you draw the line? When do you realize that the trust is broken? When do you realize a friend is not truly a friend? Hopefully you do before it is too late, if not then you live and learn. How you will deal with it? Will you act your age and move on? or will you act like a child again by making it worse? It is part of life is it not, how you handle each situation? You take each situation in its own way, act like an adult, and move on whether the friend is still there or not.

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