Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Teenage Romance books

Do you remember them? I do and in fact still have a few of them that I decided to keep in case one day I had a young girl to read them. There was the Sweet Hearts Romance, First Love from Silhouette, Wildfire, Crosswinds and Keepsake to name a few. Then there was the Dawn of Love that were historical fiction.

They were nice because they dealt with every day life that is still existent in today's world just a little more technology added in. The girls came in all shapes and sizes, cultures, family size, they were not always in the top social group in school, they had brains and used them, they had hard times and heart break. The girls often finding their first crush and something that we dreamed would work out in the end and they would go on to have a happy life. Just like what we wanted for ourselves. I realized when reading these books that they were normal, coming from all walks of life and often dealing with the same things that I was dealing with at the time. In our school we were different, we didn't always have the proper classroom set up, we didn't have bells to let us know when classes were starting or over, and we had our lockers in one area. We also had the jocks, the headbangers, the geeks, the brains, the outcasts and everything else but we got along. Sometimes a jock was a headbanger or an outcast was a brain or maybe a geek was a jock.

So what is available now for kids to read? Are the books offered similar? There just seems to be so many books out there that it can be confusing at times. Are they really good for the girls to read? Are there books about real life? Not just fantasy? I realize they are but it also means that I am going to have to really read them first before I allow my daughter to read them. I do hope that she will read the ones I have from before and that she will enjoy them the same way I did.

If you are interested I did find a link to a website that has some of these old romance books.

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