Yes I said that dreaded word. The one that some people think is weird, that it create nightmares, it is too much of a problem, too much work. but others swear by. I am one of the others, I do believe in coupons. But that belief is not something that is new, it is something that I have been doing for years and years. But before you rush to assumptions read the following first:
1) I am NOT an Extreme Couponer
2) I do NOT have this huge binder that takes up half the cart I have a little holder that fits into my purse
3) I do NOT jump into garbage containers/bins in order to find coupons
4) I do NOT spend 40 hours a week looking through coupons
5) I do NOT buy things that I have no need for (ie diapers when my youngest is 10)
6) I do NOT have a closet, garage or anything else where I store 20 million products for the next year
7) I am NOT one who get tons of things for free or money back.
I have no idea how some of the people who are out there are able to get away with it. They should not be able to double up on coupons (place I live does not do that at all); they should not be able to buy out all the product when they have no need for it; and then the big question is why. As in why do they do it? Why do they need so much stuff? Why do they spend so much time. Now I am not saying it is wrong, because there are people who do it for the good in which they give the things away, but there are others out there who I swear will be on the show Hoarders within the next 2 years because of what they are buying when they have no need for it all.
When I use my coupons I at least try to cover the sales tax (surcharge when shopping at the commissary). The most I have been able to save is around $40 on a bill that was originally $200 so there I saved some. But never more than that because most of the coupons I see in the paper each week are for products that I don't need at all. Okay I have to admit a few times I have gotten a few extra of products that I know I am going to need but not enough to fill up a closet or my cupboards/pantry. It is more along the lines of 3 or 4 extra packages of scalloped potatoes, or maybe 6 boxes of jell-o, or maybe a few bottles of hot dog relish, etc.... but that's it I swear.
So how are you all when it comes to coupons? Do you even use them? Are you an extreme couponer?
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