There was a time when you could get away with one or the other to get a decent job. Sometimes the experience was better than an education you could have received because it was hands on. Other times that education was better because you were up to date on things that were necessary. These days as our world advances in technology, so do the expectations of being employed. I never dreamed that I would have such a problem in finding a job beyond working at McDonalds or a Department Store or another minimum wage job in the world today. I thought that while it might be a little bit hard it would not be impossible. But it has become that way and I am not alone as there is so many people who are my in my generation and above that are going through the same problem. Many of these people have been laid off from jobs they had a long time. Or they are moms who are trying to go back to work as their kids have grown. Or maybe it is military wives/ex-wives who didn't have a chance before because of the constant moving and being a mother/father during long deployments. Plus adding into it the tuition, the books needed, the requirement to go back to basics (math/english), paying for child care or working around the schedule and the list continues.
Those are not excuses for not having a degree but they are factors, over time these factors do add up and sometimes that is what stops the employment from happening. Education is important for everyone and I have lucky in that when I was 19/20 I did an Office Administration course which were able to transfer to the local community college that I transferred to along with some other online classes I have did when the kids and I were in Florida for a year. But I still had to go back to the basics of Math and English things I haven't done in years. The good news is now that I can help my kids with their homework when before I was going "HUH????" All this helped towards me qualifying for an Associates of the Arts (couldn't decide then along with transfer credits) Where will that get me now? Well a small step in the door but awhile to go before I can do something I want to. What is that?
Help others in my situation. I honestly wish there was a grant/scholarship available to people in this area, they need help going back to school but also to pay the bills at home. Why can't there be a grant/scholarship that pays for your tuition, books & supplies but also the rent, utilities, & gas to get to school. Offer help in finding employment, counseling, things that are needed. I would love to set up a fund for that, with the stipulation that it has to be paid forward whether it is a donation back to the scholarship or by doing volunteer work. Available to people who can't afford college but aren't able to qualify for help either. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Something to really consider as I continue to walk down that path that I am being lead down.
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