Sunday, February 26, 2012

Who are you?

I mean really when you are looking at your self what are you looking at? Are you looking at yourself the way you believe other people are looking at you? Are you looking at yourself the way you think you look? Or are you looking at yourself the way you REALLY are? During our lives we will view ourselves in the mirrors so many different ways and more often than not they are not the way we look at all. We sometimes look at ourselves the way we think people look at us because we think we know what they are saying. Even though 99% of the time what they are thinking is so different to what we think it is. We can't read their minds and they can't read ours (okay moms are the exception on this one because we all swear they can and have eyes in the back of their heads) We look at ourselves as looking ugly, too fat, too skinny, the wrong size in all the wrong places, the wrong skin color and everything else. So we use clothes, makeup, surgery, hair color, and who knows what else to make ourselves look different. All these things we do so we stand out, let people notice us, and make a good impression even though all those things are not necessary at all.

What does that mean? We are own worse critic. If we honestly looked at ourselves in the true manner then we would see an incredible person, who is beautiful/handsome, fun to be around, a friend, a lover, a role model, an inspiration, a scholar, and an special individual. For that is who we really are. We just have to remember that, as the old saying goes, beauty is within.

I have chosen this picture because it is something that I look at myself when I need to lately seems more than before with things that have happened. It reminds me of the simple things in life, the innocence, the honest beauty that is around us which we often forget. A place without the commercials, the makeup, the attempt to stand out. Instead it reminds me that I just have to be me, nothing more.

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