Wednesday, May 2, 2012


where does it go? I have no idea, it seems to go by so quickly. You get all these ideas and dreams of what you want to do, what you want to see, where you want to go, but it never works out that way at all. I had this great idea not once but twice about blogging and I seem to start doing it so well and then I fail, I don't do it as often as I should. Topic ideas seem to come but then quickly fade. I wish in some ways that I still could write the way I could when I was a teenager. Then I wrote so much whether it poetry or stories but now it seems to be blocked at times but alright in others.

Time also passes in other ways because you watch those around you change, my daughter turned 10 this week and I can't believe it. Just like I can't believe my son is 13, that 2 of my nieces are graduating high school next month. And I hate saying this but in the summer it will be my 25th High School Reunion. WAHHHHH I can't believe I graduated from high school 25 years ago. Funnily enough the teachers were work to rule meaning no sports, no dances, almost no grad. One of my nieces is going through the same thing. This then marks no change really because they are still taking things away from the children who have done nothing wrong in order to make a statement. Why did we have to take it? Why do the kids today have to take it? That isn't right at all, it isn't the students fault it is the adults who are acting like children throwing a hissy fit's fault. They need to grow up and remember what it would have been like if it had happened to them or if it did happen to them. It was suggested years ago when the teachers went work to rule about playing a rugby game, then a soccer game on the front lawn of Parliament. In order for those politicians to get off their high horses and do something. Well maybe it is sad to say it be considered again.

Okay I need to get away from that and remind myself of what this is truly about and that is making sure that you do take the time that you have and spend it wisely.

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