Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Being an Aunt

Aunts can be special women in your lives. They can help you grow up, take you to movies, parks, or any other treat and spoil you rotten when they have the chance. They can be a good influence in your life as well because you see them as a grown up (usually), see what women can achieve in their lives, and be an inspiration to do things that you did not always think were possible. They can be your sounding block, to bounce your ideas off of. They can advise you in certain things especially if they need an honest opinion. They can also be your confidant. The person that you can call anytime of day or night without question, tell things to and know that you can trust them.

Being an Aunt sounds like a big job and it is at times. It can be complex while being innocent, hard while being great, frustrating but complete. But you know what I wouldn't trade it for the world.

When I was 13 I became an Aunt, a few months later shortly after my 14th birthday I became an Aunt again. In both cases they were very special beautiful baby girls. At 15 I became an Aunt again to another girl, 2 years later the count was Girls 5, Boys 0 that was until February when a nephew finally joined. Four years later another boy so Boys 2, Girls 5 it looked like there could be a catch up especially when one sister and my sister in law were due within months of each other. But sorry boys, it became Boys 2, Girls 7!!! Finally though another boy joined the mist, then my own son, then another boy, and another boy it looked like it was getting close. Well on the same day my daughter was born, so was a niece (4 hours apart). Finally my sister closes out the realms a year later with twin girls. Bringing that total to Girls 10; Boys 5! Sorry boys the only way it looked like they could catch up was through marriage because my oldest niece got married. It wasn't long before another one did and another one and another one and another one, so 5 of my girls got married and evened it up so now it is 10 and 10. Well marriage means more babies so then I became a GREAT AUNT!! Sniff that was hard to take, my babies were having babies!!! I mean I knew I was great but now it was confirmed but with one boy, then another, a girl, then a boy so now it was Boys 13; Girls 11. Guess 13 is an unlucky number for the boys because the other day on February 13th I became an Aunt again to a precious little girl.

Through all of this, I love each and every one (even the nephews in law) because they are unique in their own special way. I don't get to see them as much as I would like to. I was able to as a teenager and young adult spend a lot of time with the older ones and I honestly do wish that I could have spent more time with the younger ones some of which are teenagers now. But miles kept us apart so the time we do have together is very precious. Being a Great Aunt has taken new meaning in the past few years. I was a great Aunt before but now it is done by my babies having babies. Watching their babies and my own kids grow up has made me realize how special time can be. Seeing their smile, a glint of mischief in their eyes, watching the sleep, or seeing them accomplish something. All of these things adds another precious memory to my mind. This is one part of being over 40 years old that I would never change.

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